Sunday, July 3, 2011

Friday, June 3, 2011

Industrial hemp bill passes California Senate

We've all heard about how the Declaration of Independence was penned on hemp paper and how our founding fathers grew the stuff like it was, well, a weed. Their reasons for growing it were sensible enough: hemp offered unparalleled capital potential as a cash crop with its seemingly limitless industrial applications, not to mention its nutritional properties. A couple of centuries and a failed Drug War later, a California state senator is making an effort to revive some of the common sense found in this earlier, agrarian era.

On Tuesday, the California State Senate passed SB 676, Sen. Mark Leno's (San Francisco) bill, that would effectively legalize the production of hemp in the state for industrial purposes. Two prior attempts by the senator to regulate hemp production were vetoed by former Governor Schwarzenegger.


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Legislation to allow HEMP Growing moves forward!

Great news! - It sounds like people are coming to there senses and making a commonsense decision! It's too bad we have to get to the depths of such economicaly dire straits before looking at real solutions hiding in plain sight!