Sunday, May 2, 2010

Don’t forget about hemp’s many uses

What the high polluting industrialists like Chemical companies, Petroleum, Paper, Timber, Chem-Agriculture and Cotton don’t want to bring to the attention of the general public is the over 26,000 uses of Industrial Hemp and the industries it will precipitate, such as the hemp paper industry, hemp cloth and textiles industry, hemp food products, and even a form of hemp bio-diesel fuel. All of these things put together could generate thousands of jobs across the country, not to mention the billions/TRILLIONS! in state revenue for new industry licensing, employer/employee tax revenues, and at the same time dropping unemployment rates in our beleaguered country.

Unfortunately, none of the big names other than Ron Paul, seem to be capable of standing up to the special interest lobby and closed-minded politicians intent on preserving the staus quo while stifeling inovation in what is arguably, demonstrably the most environmentally and financially viable solution to our recovery.
Industrial Hemp is so much more easily renewable than any of our other natural resources, and the potential for financial benefit to the state coffers, as well as to the recipients of all of the new jobs, is astounding for anyone with the eyes to see.

Wake up Washington! Out-moded profit protection systems for an entrenched "Good Old Boys" network are no excuse anymore for strangling the most environmentally positive solution that could save our economy!

Thanks Skot!
adapted from Skot Pierson's original post Edmonds